Chris Beckstrom’s
Sound Blog

Septembeat 8


Another tidalcycles track here. Experimenting with layers of polyrhythms and some polymeters, plus some harmony which I rarely do in tidal.

Here’s the code that makes it go:

bpm 130

p "stuff"
$ db 0.5
  $ whenmod 38 35 (fast ("<0.66 0.66 1.33 1.33 0.66>"))
  $ db "<0.3 0>/4"
  $ whenmod 18 17 (# hpf 800)
  $ every 5 (bite 4 "{0 0 2 0 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 0 0}%4")
  $ every 11 (within (0.5,1) (bite 16 "{0 4 3 3 3 2 3 7 4 8 11 0 2 8 3 7 6 3 9 0 2 2 1 1}%16"))
  $ every 3 (scramble 4)
  $ every 7 (within (0.25,0.75) (rev . stutWith 4 (1/16) (|* speed 1.1) . (|* gain 1.1) . (# pan (fast 4 $ range 0 1 rand))))
  $ every 9 (rev)
   $ stack [
 db 0 $  sb 0.4 (stutWith (choose[12,16,20,30]) (choose[(1/32),(1/50),(1/12)]) (|* gain 0.7) . (|* speed 1.2)) $ st "[t [~~~<t~~~t~~~~~~>] ~ ~]" $ s "kicks:23" # sustain 0.5 # lpf 1000 # amp 0.7,
  (12 ~>) $ db "<1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0>2" $ sb 1  (stutWith 3 (choose[(1/76),(1/30),(1/40)]) (# crush 8) . (|* gain 0.8)) $ db 0.23 $ st "{t~~}%16" $ s "metal:90" # speed (fast 16 $ choose[2,4,8]) # pan 1 # sustain 0.04,
  db 0 $ (11 ~>) $ sb 0.2 (stutWith 7 (1/32) (|* speed 1.1) . (|* gain 0.8)) $ db 0.4 $ st "t*16" $ s "dilla_hats:45"  # sustain 0.07 # speed 2 # pan 0.7 # shape 0.8,
  (90 ~>) $ sb 0.2 (# crush 8) $ sb 0.3 (stutWith 3 (1/16) (|* speed 1.32) ) $st "[~ [t~~t] ~ [t~~t]]" $ s "bongo:11" # speed 1 # hpf 500 # pan 0 # shape 0.6,
  db 1 $ (111 ~>) $  st "[~ t*3 [~~t] t*3 [~t~]]" $ s "kicks:56" # speed 1.5 # crush 12 # sus 0.07 # gain 0.8 # pan 0.3,
  (9 ~>) $ db 0.8 $ st "[t  t*2]*2" $ s "kicks:3" # sus 0.09,
  db "<0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1>" $ (34 ~>) $ st "[ ~ t ~ t ]" $ s "dilla_hats:90",
  db 1 $ (23 ~>) $ db 0.1 $ st "t*16" $ arp "updown" $ n "<c'min11'8 a4'min11'8 <ef'min11'8 e4'min11'8> c'min11'8 b4'min'8>" # sound "supersquare" # lpf 5000 # gain 0.8 # pan 0.3,
  db 0.7 $ st "{t~~~t~~~~~t~t~~~~t}%16" $ n "<c'min11'8 a4'min11'8 <ef'min11'8 e4'min11> c'min11'8 b4'min11'8>" # sound "superpiano" # sustain 0.09 # lpf 1000 # gain 0.9 # pan 0.7
  -- st "{t~~~t~t~~~t~~~~~tt~~t~}%16" $ note "<c a4  <ef e4> c b4>" # s "supersquare" |- n 36 |- n (choose[12,0,12,0,24])  # lpf 2000
 ] # shape 0.6 # ring "{0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.5}%8" # ringf "{1000 2000 3000 500 450 5000 6000 2000}%4" # ringdf 0.2 # dry 0.8 # room 0.08 # size "{0.2 0.9 0.4 0.9 1 0.1}%6" # phasr 0.8 # phasdp (choose[0.9,0.2,0.5])
tidalcycles code in emacs
  1. >>>>>>

    @chris is this really a synth song written in bash?!?!

    1. >>>>>>

      Yeah! Well, sort of. It’s made in Tidalcycles, which is a sort of live-coding language:

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