Chris Beckstrom’s
Sound Blog

Septembeat 15

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Super glitch. Mega glitch. Hyperglitch? Hip-hop?

I created the overall sound in Tidalcycles, recorded it into Reaper, then used extensive automation, time stretching, and effects to glitch it up.

Here’s the Tidal code:

bpm 100

  let randpan = (fast 4 $ pan (perlin))
  let break =  const $ st "<t*8 t*16 t*32 t*4 t*64 t*12 t*4 t*4 t*6>" $  n (fast 16 $ range 0 120 $ rand) # s "<g1 gtwo gtwo g1 gtwo db db rlaser monotron>" # begin 0.1 # sus 0.5 # cut 78 # randpan # speed (choose[0.25,0.5,0.5,0.5,(-1)])
  let rip a b p = within (0.25, 0.75) (slow 2 . rev . stut 8  a b ) p -- thanks kindohm!
  let verb = dry 0.8 # room 0.2 # size 0.6
  p "s"
    $ whenmod 8 7 (sb 0.1 (within (0.00,0.25) (# gain 0)))
    -- $ every 13 (scramble 4)
    -- $ whenmod 2 1 (within (0.25,1) (bite 16 "{0 5 4 3 10 11 4 2 14 15 0 10 4 0 3 2 1}%12"))
    $ every 19 (within (0.25,0.75) ( fast 0.5 . ply 5))
    $ every 20 (within (0.25,0.75) ( fast 0.5 . ply 4))
    $ whenmod 8 7 (db 0.2)
    $ swingBy 0.02 4
    $ every 18 (within (0.5,1) (striate 8))
    $ stack [
    (11~>) $ (0.00 ~>) $ sb 0.11 (stut 2 0.2 (1/16)) $ st "[[t~~t] ~ [~t~~] [~~~<~[~t]>]]" $ s "kicks:22" # speed 0.8 # shape 0.3,
    (19~>)$ sb 0.1 (rev . stut 8 0.2 (1/32))
    $ sb 0.12 ((3~>) . (stut 8 0.2 (1/32)))
    $ (0.01 <~) $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "dilla_hats:9",
    -- st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "<db:12 [db:12 db:14]>" # gain 0.8# sus 0.2,
    db "<1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0>/8" $ (0.015 <~) $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "cp:10" # gain 1 # shape 0.3,
    -- (10~>)$(0.001~>) $ st "t*8" $ s "dilla_hats:91",
    (16~>) $db "<1 0 1 0 1 1>/8" $(0.001~>) $ st "t*8" $ s "dilla_hats:92" # cut 8 # gain 0.9,
    (32~>) $db "<1 0 1 0 1 0 0>/8" $(0.001~>) $ st "t" $ s "dilla_hats:92" # cut 8 # gain 0.9 # begin 0.5,
    stack [ -- synths
    st "t*8" $ n "[-12 -12 -12 [<-12 -12 -12 [-12 1]>] ]" # s "<volcapad volcapad:3>/8" # cut 88 # sustain 0.5 # gain "<1.2 0.9>/8" # begin 0.003 # o 1
    (78~>)$ every 2 (rip 0.2 (1/32)) $ sb 0 (stut 10 0.9 (choose[(1/32),(1/16)]))
        $ every 5 (within (0.25,0.75) (striate 4). (|* speed 0.9))
        $ every 6 (#real 10)
        $ whenmod 17 15 (fast 0.66)
        $ stack [ -- glitches
        (99~>)$db 0
         $ db "<0.96 0.95 0.9 0.9>/4"
          $ (33~>)$sb 0.2 (fast 0.5) $ s "gtwo*16" # n (range 0 112 $ rand) # gain 0.99 # sus 0.2 # begin 0.3 # speed (choose[0.5,0.75,0.5,0.9]) # cut 8 # crush 5,
        (67~>)$ sb 0.1 (fast 0.5) $  db "<0.82>" "dilla_hats*16" # n (range 0 397 $ rand) # cut 10 # hpf 200 # crush 7
        ] |* gain 0.9
colorful and glitchy wavy lines

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