I make music, art, code, synthesizers, and love computers. At work I’m a sysadmin.
This is my really weird website where I share stuff mostly related to those topics.
I also care about social justice, mental health, and seizing the means of production.
Happy Caturday!
We went to a corn maze today
“Yes Dad, I’m in a box. I fits, I sits.”
// 38c3 abstract absurd algorithmic art askfedi atheism beat boomzap botanical illustration cats catsOfMastodon coding collage digital art drambo electro electronics emacs experimental fedicats flowers frontpage glitch gt hip-hop hydra javascript koala linkroll modular modular synthesis nocciverdingstdinge org-roam paint parenting pen and ink php procreate python reaper septembeat synthdiy synthesizers techno test tidalcycles volca drum wordpress
why does this website look so weird? It’s on purpose! I wanted to make a unique website radically different from most websites you probably visit. I’m a fan of brutalist and retro design, which has influenced things like multiple fonts and tiled backgrounds. More about this site here
“Yes Dad, I’m in a box. I fits, I sits.”
Septembeat 25! This one made with Drambo on iOS
Here’s my 24th track for Septembeat. This time the glitches are a little more subtle.There’s even a little bit of a melody!
Keeping the hip-hop + glitch theme, here’s another boom zap track. The 22nd track I’ve made this month for Septembeat
Seems like Facebook isn’t a fan of sharing links that go to my blog. Either that or it’s offended by boom zap.
Another boom zap jam. Comparatively laid back to some of my other recent tracks.
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Leaning hard into the boom-zap now. I also drew some sounds (yes really)
The day is finally here. To celebrate, listen to my chiptune arrangement of “September”! https://chrisbeckstrom.bandcamp.com/track/5ept3mber POWER-UP! by Chris Beckstrom
“Now that’s what I call boom-zap!” I love hip-hop. I love boom-bap hip-hop. I love glitchy electronic stuff. I haven’t heard a ton of music that puts those…
You’ve heard of boom bap and maybe mod bap, but have you heard of boom zap?
This one is fairly intense! I wrote simpler Tidalcycles code than usual and used lots of spectral processing in Pure Data to get weird sounds
Went to a bowling alley the other day and it was the most sensory overload I’ve had in a while.
Keeping on with the glitch theme for Septembeat