Chris Beckstrom’s
Sound Blog

Septembeat 24

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Here’s my 24th track for Septembeat. This time the glitches are a little more subtle. There’s even a little bit of a melody!

The Tidalcycles code:

bpm 95


let thisscale = "dorian"

let loop = stack [ db 0.6 $ s "supersaw*16" # n (scale thisscale (irand 10)) |- n 36 # sus 0.23,
     (11~>) $ sb 0.8 (fast 2) $ db 0.2 $ s "supersquare*8" # n (scale thisscale (irand 16)) |- n 0 # sus (choose[0.2,0.1]) # pan 0,
     (17~>) $ sb 0.4 (fast 2) $ db 0.3 $ s "supersaw*8" # n (scale thisscale (irand 16)) |- n 0 # sus (choose[0.2,0.1]) # pan 1,
     (39 ~>) $ sb 0.4 (fast 2) $ db 0.3 $ s "supersaw*8" # n (scale thisscale (irand 19)) |- n 0 # sus (choose[0.2,0.1]) # pan 0.5
                 ] |* gain 0.8 # lpf 2000

p "s" $
  swingBy 0.02 8 $
  stack [
    -- 31 91 92 101
    (0.012~>) $ stack [
        db "<0 0 1 1>/8" $ loopFirst $ (91 ~>)  $ loop, -- bass
        db "<1 1 0 1>/8" $ loopFirst $ (92 ~>)  $ loop,
        db "<1 1 1 0>/8" $ loopFirst $ (101 ~>)  $ loop
        ] # o 2,
      st "[[t~~t] [~ t] [t] [~~~<~t>]]" $ stack [
         s "kicks:214" # shape 0.2 -- 202 207 214
        ] # o 0,
     st "[ ~ t [~~~t] [~t]]"$  stack [
        s "snares:222" # gain 1.2,
        db "<1 0 1 0>/8" $ s "zap:25" # gain 1.1 # sus 0.4 # speed 1.5 # pan 0.7
      ] # o 1,
      db "<1 1 0 1 0>/8" $ st "[~ t [~~~~] [~<~t>]]" $ s "cp:10" # gain 1.1 # pan 0.2 # o 1,
      stack [
        db "<1 1 0 0>/8" $ st "[t*4 t*4]" $ s "dilla_hats:102",
        db "<1 0 1 0>/8" $ st "[t*4 t*4]" $ s "dilla_hats:28" # hpf 700 # gain 0.9,
        db "<0 1 0 1>/8" $ st "[t*8]" $ s "dilla_hats:93" # gain 0.7 # hpf 700 # legato 1
        ] # o 3,
     (0.01~>) $ stack [
        db "<0>/8" $ (99~>) $ sb 0.1 (ply 4) $ sb 0.01 (rev . stut 4 0.2 (1/32)) $ sb 0.08 (stut 4 0.2 (1/32))$ db 0.12 $ s "gtwo*16" # n (irand 200) # sustain (choose[0.02,0.03,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.1]) # gain 0.9 # speed 1 # begin 0.2 # lpf 7000 # legato 1 # o 4
a glitchy pixelated image in blues and purples

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