Chris Beckstrom’s
Sound Blog

Septembeat 16

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Keeping on with the glitch theme for Septembeat

and here’s the Tidalcycles code:

bpm 110

  let randpan = (fast 4 $ pan (perlin))
  let break =  const $ st "<t*8 t*16 t*32 t*4 t*64 t*12 t*4 t*4 t*6>" $  n (fast 16 $ range 0 120 $ rand) # s "<g1 gtwo gtwo g1 gtwo db db rlaser monotron>" # begin 0.1 # sus 0.5 # cut 78 # randpan # speed (choose[0.25,0.5,0.5,0.5,(-1)])
  let rip a b p = within (0.25, 0.75) (slow 2 . rev . stut 8  a b ) p -- thanks kindohm!
  let verb = dry 0.8 # room 0.2 # size 0.6
  let breakdown = whenmod 30 27
  p "s"
    $ sb 0.2 (# randpan)
    -- $ every 21 (within (0.25,1) (bite 4 "{0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 3 3}%4"))
    -- $ every 13 (within (0.25,0.75) (0.25~>))
    $ every 21 (bite 4 "{0 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 0 3 2 0 2 3 0 4 2 3}%4")
    $ every 13 (within (0,0.5) (const $ sb 0.2 (ply 2) $ s "{g5:*8 g6:8 g4:8 g3:8 g3:8}%4" # n (range 0 200 $ rand) # cut 898))
    $ every 12 (within (0,0.25) (#gain 0))
    $ every 15 (within (0.5,1) (const $ s "{g5:*8 g6:8 g4:8 g3:8 g5:8}%4" # n (range 0 200 $ rand) # cut 898))
    $ whenmod 10 8 (sb 0.5 (# waveloss 50))
    $ swingBy 0.05 8
    -- $ whenmod 18 16 (within (0.25,1) (# vowel "{p a e i o u u u o o e e e e i p p p a e e e}%8"))
    -- $ whenmod 17 16 (within (0.5,1) (bite 8 "{0 0 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 }%12"))
    $ every 7 (sb 0.4 (# smear 0.2))
    $ breakdown (fast "{0.8 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.3 0.9}%2" . fast 2 . scramble 4 . (# speed (choose[1,1,1,2,1,2,0.5,0.6])))
    -- $ (199~>) $ sb 0.05 ( (within (0.25,1) (# scram (fast 4 $ range 0 0.5 $ rand))))
    $ every 19 ( (within (0.25,1) (# binshift (fast 4 $ rand))))
    $ stack [
    -- (101~>)$ sb 0.23 (rip 0.2 (1/32)) $ st "[t~~~ <~t>~~~ ~t~~ ~~~<~t>]"$ s "kicks:90" # gain 1 # shape 0.4,
    (101~>)$ sb 0.23 (rip 0.3 (1/32)) $ st "[t~~~ <~t>~~~ ~t~~ ~~~<~t>]" $ stack [
        s "kicks:81" # gain 1 # shape 0.8,
        db "<1 0 1 0 0>/3" $ sb 0.5 (2~>) $ sb 0.2 (4~>) $ s "<gmhit:9 gmhit:23 gmhit:87 g3:23 g3:10 g3:30 gmhit:10>" # cut 6778 # gain 0.9
    -- twofour $ s "snares:80" # sus 0.1,
    (89~>) $ sb 0.12 (rev . stutWith 12 (1/32) (|* gain 0.2) . (|* speed (choose[1,1.1]))) $ st "[[~<t~~~~~~>] ~ t[~<t~~~~~t~~t~~~~~>]]" $ s "snares:103" # sus 0.06 # shape 0.3,
    -- (82~>) $ st "[~ ~ t~]" $ s "{g6:1  g4:11 g5:23 g5:78    g3:12 g3:25 g3:11 g4:892}%4" #cut 678 # gain 1,
      (86~>) $ sb 0.5 (scramble 4) $ st "[~ ~ t[~t]]" $ s "[g3:5 g4:78 g6:22 g6:12   g3:8 g3:10 g6:92 g5:77 g3:21  g4:89   g6:2 g6:9 g4:56 g6:98  g5:23 g5:43]/4" #cut 676 # gain 1,
    -- (88~>) $ st "[~ ~ t[~t]]" $ s "[ db:12]/2" #cut 677 # gain 1 # sus 0.2,
     (88~>) $ db 0.87 $ st "[~ ~ t ~]" $ s "[ db:27]/2" #cut 677 # gain 1 # sus 0.2 # hpf 400,
    db "<1 1 0 0.7 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.4 0.8 0.2>/5" $ stack [ -- claps
   (11~>)$(0.03~>) $st "[~ ~ t~]" $ s "claps:9" # sus 0.05 # pan 0 # speed 2,
   (19~>)$(0.025~>) $st "[~ ~ t~]" $ s "claps:1" # sus 0.05 # pan 1 # speed 2
   (62~>)$ db "<0.9 0 0 0.8 1 0.8 0.6 1 1 0 1 0 0.7 0 1 1>/10" $st "t*16" $ s "dilla_hats:7" # gain 0.9 # pan 0.8,
    (db "<1 0 0>/8") $ (62~>)$ st "t*16" $ s "g6:120" # gain 1.4 # cut 234 # sus 0.1,
    (12~>) $ (0 <~) $ stack [
        st "[~~~[~~~<~t>]]" $ s "perc:12" # cut 263 # sus 0.1
        (18~>) $ sb 0.3 (ply 2) $ sb 0.01 (stutWith 12 (choose[(1/32),(1/16),(1/12),(1/24)]) (|* speed (choose[1.1,0.9,1.5]))) $  db 0.4 $ twofour $ s "{g5 g4 g4 g5   g6 g3 g3 g5   g6 g5 g4 g3   g6 g5 g5 g5   g6 g3 g4}%8"  # n (range 0 150 $ rand) # sus 0.4 # cut 100 # gain 0.8 # lpf 12000 # cut 178

glitchy sort of lego things

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