Chris Beckstrom’s
Sound Blog

Septembeat 21

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Another boom zap jam. Comparatively laid back to some of my other recent tracks. Main loop made in Drambo, some acoustic drum sounds, and plenty of zaps and lasers. Sequenced in Tidalcycles.

Here’s the Tidalcycles code:

bpm 100

p "s" $
  -- every 11 (within (0.25,0.75) (sb 0.5 (scramble 4))) $
  swingBy 0.2 8 $
  stack [
    st "[t [~~~t] [t~] [<~~~t>~~~]]" $ s "zap:3" # shape 0.7 # begin 0.03 # speed 0.5 # sus 1 |* gain "[1   [1 0.8]]*2" # o 1,
    stack [ -- snare
        db "<0 0 0 0 1>/8" $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "[snares:29]" # pan 0.4 # gain 1.1,
        db "<1 1 0 0 1>/8" $ (0.02~>) $ st "[~ t ~ t]" $ s "zap:4" # sus 0.2 # speed 1 # pan 0.6,
        db "<0 0 0 0 1>/8" $ st "[~ ~ ~ <~~~t>]" $ s "zap:14" # sus 0.4 # gain 1.1 # speed 0.75
    stack [
        db "<1 0 1 0 1>/8" $ (13~>) $ swingBy 0.07 4 $ sb 0.1 (ply 2) $ st "t*8" $ s "dilla_hats:6" # gain 0.8,
        db "<0 1 0 1 1>/8" $ (29~>) $ swingBy 0.07 4 $ sb 0.1 (ply 2) $ st "t*8" $ s "dilla_hats:4" # gain 0.9
    (20~>) $ (0.02~>) $ sb 0.8 (stut 9 0.2 (1/32))$ db (choose[0.75,0.9])  $ s "[g4*8]" # n (irand 200) # sus 0.3 # gain 0.75,
    stack [
        db "<1 1 1 1 0>/8" $ (0.01 ~>) $ st "t" $ s "dloop:2" # gain 1.4 # speed 1, -- var 2
        db "<0 0 0 0 1>/8" $ (0.0~>) $ st "t" $ s "dloop:8" # gain 1.4 # speed 1, -- var 1
        db "<1 0 1 0 1>/8" $ (16~>) $ (0.0~>) $ st "t" $ s "dloop:8" # gain 1.4 # speed 0.5 -- var 1 8vb
        ] # o 2
tidalcycles code

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