Another tidalcycles track. This one uses a variety of audio effects I haven’t explored, including binshift, waveloss, real, and imag. I think all of those are based on spectral manipulation and I really love those sounds. Sometimes you can get that late 90’s low quality Napster mp3 download sound.
So I suppose this is techno, really messed up techno.
Oh and those times when everything stops and you hear a drone? Yeah my computer can’t keep up. I kinda like it so I’m keeping those in there. No editing for Septembeat.
As always, here’s the code:
bpm 130 p "s" $ every 9 (within (0.25,0.75) (# waveloss 30)) $ whenmod 30 16 ( fast 0.5 . (# delay 0.7) . (# delaytime 0.007) . (# delayfb 0.5) . (# scram 0.5) . (# crush 6)) $ every 7 (within (0.5,1) (bite 4 "{0 3 2 2 1 3 2 0 1 2 3}%2" . (# speed 0.8))) $ whenmod 15 13 (fast 0.5 . (# room 2) . (rev . fast 4 . stut (choose[12,8,4,2]) 0.5 (fast 4 $ choose[(1/100),(1/70),(1/40),(1/20),(1/10)]) . (|* gain 0.9) . (# hpf 300))) $ whenmod 17 16 (within (0,0.5) (# room 3)) $ whenmod 13 12 (# real 0.5) $ (12 ~>) $ sb 0.3 (# roundpan 3) $ (9 ~>) $ sb 0.01 (# bin "{1 1 7}") $ every 5 (scramble 4) $ every 14 (scramble 8) $ every 3 (down 16) $ stack [ whenmod 19 16 (db 1) $ st "[t ~~ t]" $ s "kicks:24" # pan 0.6, st "{t~~}%16" $ s "kicks:1" # speed 2 # pan 0.1, st "[~ t ~ ~]" $ s "metal:2" # speed 1 # lpf 2000 # sus 0.1 # speed 0.8 # begin 0.01 # crush 8, st "[[t~~t]]*4" $ s "kicks:10" # speed 1, (0.5 ~>) $ st "[t~~t~~t~ ~~~~~~~~]" $ s "db:1" # sus 0.1 # speed 1 # gain 0.8 , st "t*8" $ s "kicks:7" ] # real 0.9 # imag "{0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0.02 0.08 0 0 0.05 0 0}%4" # dry 0.8 # room 0.002 # size 0.003 # shape 0 # amp 0.8 # coarse (fast 4 $ range 1 5 $ rand) -- # hpf 400 -- custom functions down x = plyWith ("{22 18 15 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1}%12") (|* gain 0.9) bin x = binshift x roundpan x = pan (fast x $ sine)