
This is a now page. It’s a list of what I’m up to. Less ephemeral and more big picture than a single post or toot. As the page describes, “Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately:

  • Trying to make one short track per day for Septembeat
  • Making lots of art, mostly of real and imaginary plants – Alien Plants and Creatures
  • Tinkering with this website, adding a Sound Blog and Photo Blog
  • Playing with my microscope and looking at stuff. It’s creeping me out a little.


  • Playing “Starbound” – although it got pretty tedious
  • Working on a jazz big band album but it’s 100% synthesizers
  • Practicing my EWI – Electronic Wind Instrument, which I affectionately call my TurboSax

updated September 5, 2024