Do I have a reason to blog?

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time playing with this new website, which I find thoroughly fun. It’s a place to put some tutorials I wrote, display my discography, have a homepage.

But what about blogging? Do banal musings on everyday life entertain anybody? Is there a reason for me to shout my recent thoughts and ideas into the void?

here’s an absurd picture of a man

Plus, it’s likely that I might blog a bit and then abandon the whole thing for months, only to return later with a vow to blog again. Then the cycle will repeat.

But does it matter? Maybe…? Aside from the enjoyable creative act of writing itself, if something I share helps somebody achieve something, I’d be very pleased. If somebody builds a synth circuit because they read about synth DIY here; or starts fermenting kombucha because I wrote a tutorial about it… amazing.

I suppose I’ve arrived at my answer: blog sometimes. Maybe some of it can help others.

some egg rolls

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