
The garage door opened and a rush of icy air flowed in. The kind of cold that makes you cough when you breathe it in. The moon was up and its blue-hued light illuminated the path before me.

It was trash night. It was time to pull the very full trash bin up the driveway to the street. Which is 300 feet. Uphill. In the snow.

By the time I’d knocked the inches of snow off the top of the bin, stubbornly dragged it up the driveway, and turned to head home, I was exhausted. I blame the weight/distance/snow… but it’s probably just not enough exercise.

I looked up. The sky was a vast dark blanket studded with points of light. The night was clear and it felt like I could see every star. I was in awe.

As I stood, staring at a small reddish dot, I imagined flying from where I stood on Earth to the surface of Mars. I was literally looking at its surface! Although we were separated by countless miles of nothingness, my eyes and surface of Mars were connecting. How cool is that. Whoa, man.

the surface of mars as seen by Mars rover Curiosity

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