About This Website

It’s sort of a cross between a personal website, a portfolio, and an art project. I want to have a website that doesn’t look like regular websites, doesn’t have the same kind of stuff regular websites have, and is rough around the edges. Just over here trying to make the internet a little more interesting.


This website looks terrible. Don’t you know how to code?

I do! Sort of. I know my way around a few programming languages. I’m not trying to make a polished commercial-style website here. I’m trying to make something weird and fun. If some boxes don’t line up correctly or the fonts are all different, it’s probably on purpose. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Isn’t typing out a conversation between yourself and yourself pretentious?

I don’t know, what do you think?

How do I find all your albums?

Over here!

What is “bkstrm”?

It’s my last name without a “c” or vowels.

What happened to your fishing blog?

It was absorbed into a mass of internet and remolded into something much weirder.

How can I possibly find anything on this site?

You can click around, you can use the search box, or you could visit the table of contents. You can also view things by topic here.

Is the hit counter on your site for real? Have that many people been here?

Try reloading the page and look again

You want to make a hipster indie website but it’s built on WordPress, which powers 43% of the internet. Explain that!

You got me! Yeah I’m using WordPress. I’m trying to hack it to bits to make an un-WordPress-y website. Have I succeeded?

I dunno. What is WordPress-y? Anyway, aren’t you just being contrarian?



Much of the art and images here is mine. Some other sources:




This is a WordPress site running on a LAMP stack on a very cheap virtual private server. I have very heavily customized an existing WP theme, bending it to my will with snippets of PHP. I have lots of custom fields and shortcodes that do various things on the site. Most of the images and audio are actually hosted on a self-hosted Minio instance (like S3 but you can run it yourself) running on a separate server. This way I can have tons of media even though I have very little space on this server. If you see lots of missing images it’s probably because that other server went down.